Monday, December 29, 2008

Gift of Friendship

So part of the Buffington clan showed up to suprise us at church last night! It was the most special suprise! This morning we got to hang out and have breakfast together before they headed back home. I just was reminded how special friendships are and how neat it is to have those special friends to share our lives with. Even though we may be far apart we are always near in our thoughts and prayers and it is so neat to see God blessing and using each of us where He has us planted. This isn't always easy and it is many times a SLOW process but none the less God is working and we rejoice in HIS goodness and His faithfullness! May we continue to press on and press forward not growing weary in doing good knowing that we will reap the harvest if we DO NOT give up! Thanks Buffingtons for the special morning and the special gift of friendship that you are to each of us! We love you guys!