We are planning to head EAST here SOON to visit some very good friends!!!! So stay tuned for pictures and details. I can say there is a definite buzz around our home and lots of excitement! When I got done with work yesterday Austyn had his math done for the week. WOW! That's excitement. So stay tuned.........
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
So, at the DuPeire home we started school again. We are getting back into the routine and it has been wonderful. At first the boys were complaining because the summer went by WAY TO FAST and I have to agree that it did. Time is just flying by! SLOW DOWN. I am still working at Bella a few afternoons a week. I will stop doing that as soon as they find someone to take my spot. So that will be good. It has been a fun job and good to get out but it will be nice to have the afternoons with the boys as well! I am looking forward to it! I love spending time with them and I have been reminded lately how fast they are growing up and I need to cherish all of the time that I can with them! So school year here we go!
Posted by DuPeire Family at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Today is the Day
Well last night went well. As a friend told me "ENJOY" and I did. There are times that I wish I had a daughter to share these moments with but then again it was wonderful to just have some me time. I was able to get a Sunday School lesson all planned with no interuptions! Yeah, I was able to work on some organization stuff that needs to be done before school starts on Monday. I got caught up on some much needed emails that needed to be answered. I had just "be still and know that I am God" time to just rest in the hands of our loving God and to hear Him speak to me in a way that I really needed to be spoken too. It was wonderful. Then I ended the night with watching the movie Sydney White so that was fun. Yesterday I was reminded by a dear friend that Today is the Day He has made and to rejoice and be glad in it. I wasn't really rejoicing and being glad in the days that have been given to me lately. In fact I have been complaining, arguing, and questioning God on some things. So He set me straight last night and as the songs says I will rejoice and be glad in TODAY for He has given me this day and I will not worry about tomorrow I am trusting in what He says...TODAY IS THE DAY!!! I am casting my cares aside I'm leaving my past behind. I'm setting my heart and mind on YOU JESUS. I am reaching my hands to YOURS believeing there is so much more! Knowing that all You have in store for me is GOOD! Today is the day I will rejoice and be glad in it! I am putting my fears aside. I'm leaving my doubts aside. I'm giving my hopes and dreams to YOU JESUS!! I'm reaching my hands to Yours believeing there is so much more! Knowing all you have in store for me is GOOD! If you haven't heard this song by Lincoln Brewster you have to check it out. It is one of my favorite worship songs right know as it really focuses my attention and mind on where it should be and not on the things that I so easily get distracted with. I must stand on HIS TRUTH. Not MINE!!! I must live all my days for HIM not for ME!!! This song refocuses me back to the TRUTH and that is where my mind needs to be. NOT on my feelings, my emotions, my plans, my fears etc....It's about today living it the way God wants me to TODAY and rejoicing in the day that He has given me! May your day be blessed and remember TODAY IS THE DAY REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT!! Hand over all your cares and concerns to the one who can solve those cares and concerns. Hand your fears to the the one who can destroy those fears. Give YOUR hopes and dreams up to the ONE who has greater PLANS for your future. Plans that are GOOD! Plans that will give you a future and a hope! Plans that are GREATER AND HIGHER than your plans for your own life! Why settle for things done MY WAY if GOD has such BIGGER AND BETTER plans! Why settle for FEAR when He will give me PEACE! Why focus on the PAST fears and failures when God has GREATER PLANS and HE is waiting for us to take that path??? Let us REJOICE IN TODAY!! Have a WONDERFUL PEACE FILLED DAY!
Posted by DuPeire Family at 8:08 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Father/Son Camping Trip
So the DuPeire boys are fishing and camping. YEAH! They are having some guy bonding time. I am praying like crazy for them and just pray God keeps them safe and that they have a wonderful time. It is a church camping trip for the dads and sons. I on the other hand will have a VERY QUIET evening. I am not complaining!!! There is always much to get caught up on.
Posted by DuPeire Family at 5:35 PM 1 comments
Tractor Pull
Here comes BABY HUEY!!! Bubba would have done alot better in this pull if he had been in the age group higher then him. They had bigger tractors. He was just WAY TO BIG for this tractor! Oh well he had fun and that is all that mattered!
Austyn won first place in his age division. Way to go Austyn!
Posted by DuPeire Family at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
So today Kelsea from work took the boys to ride some rides. They had a blast! Thanks Kelsea for taking them!!
Then before the derby they rode rides with Elisha. Here is Bubba and Elisha tackling the Kamikaze! I remembering doing this ride as a kid at the Arizona State Fair. It seemed alot bigger when I was a kid. I wish I could still ride these kind of rides but I just can't. I did tell the boys I would ride with them on some tonight. So we will see how much courage I can muster up!
Posted by DuPeire Family at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Bubba's New Hair
Posted by DuPeire Family at 7:58 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
First Day of Fair
Here is our Baby Huey! He looks so big! Well I guess he is SO BIG!
Tonight is the Demo Derby and more rides for the boys! The weather is threatening rain the rest of the week and into the weekend. We really hope it doesn't ruin the fair but the rain is very much needed! So it is hard to complain if it does rain. Whatever happens will happen!
Posted by DuPeire Family at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Austyn's Bug
So, yesterday Austyn and Bubba were cleaning out the shop so they could earn money for fair. In the midst of it Austyn decided that Herbie as he calls him needed a good cleaning. I think he needed way more than a cleaning I think he needs to be exterminated. As Austyn was moving him out of the shop a mouse crawled out of him. I am sure there are more.....UGGGHHH!!! I don't think I will be riding in there!
Posted by DuPeire Family at 6:28 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
MISC Pictures!!!
This is Billie Jo and I! I could not have done it this year without Billie Jo! She is such an awesome servant! Thank you Billie Jo!!!! I love you!!!
Our Bubba-Looper!!! Isn't his hair fun!! I wish I had a better shot. It was such bright colors and so fun!!
I love these people!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by DuPeire Family at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Baptism Pictures
WORSHIP!!! Tiff and Aric!!!!!!!
Billie Jo!!!!!!!
James and Liz!!!!!
These are the only baptism pictures I have so far. There were more that were baptised and I don't mean to leave anyone out! We are so proud of each and everyone of these people. They have taken a BIG step of faith to follow the Lord in obedience in this area! It was so wonderful to share this time with them and we look forward to being able to watch them grow in their walks with the Lord!!! God has great things planned for each of their lives!!!
Posted by DuPeire Family at 9:33 PM 0 comments
More Bowling
These scores are horrible. We didn't even break a hundred! We had good laughs though! Okay Matt smoked us!!!!!!!
Posted by DuPeire Family at 11:15 AM 0 comments
I know I have been very bad at updating this lately and for that I am sorry! I will try and do better!
Things have been crazy busy around here.
Last weekend found us at the lake ALL weekend. It was wonderful. We had our church camping trip and Baptism. Matt baptized 11 people. It was wonderful to be apart of each of these people's lives as they followed the Lord in this step of obedience. I once again did not have my camera so I do not have any pictures. I hope to post some if I can get my hands on any of them. We had a great time just sitting back and relaxing. Matt wowed us once again with his wonderful Dutch Oven cooking. He spoiled us ALL! I decided to try and act younger then I really am and hang out with the kids. I came home all bruised up from tubing. It was fun though and I wouldn't change a thing. Although I am having a harder and harder time pulling myself up onto the tube if I get thrown off. Brian dumped me once and it was too hard to get back on so I held on for dear life the rest of the time. It was a TOTAL BLAST!!!
The beginning of the week found us in softball tournaments. We ALMOST won on Monday night we played a WONDERFUL game and it was so much fun. Then Tuesday we played again in Wauneta and had a great game there as well but again we lost. We officially ended the season with no WINS at all but I would say we are definetly not LOOSERS! We had a winning season with relationships being built and just the fellowship that we had and the fun that it was. So Lighthouse Softball team. I love you and thanks for the MEMORIES!!! This goes out to the Missouri Lighthouse team members as well! :-) We love you and have great memories there as well!
Matt has had a very SLOW week with work and that has kind of been stressful. Please pray for his work situation. On Friday he drummed up a job to Greely so we jumped in with Matt on Thursday night and headed on the road with him. I was mad because he had turned down a job in Lincoln but I got over it and we had a good time being together!
Last week we also had 13 ROCK bands come to Imperial and we put on that concert. It was wonderful but my body once again said you have to slow down you are getting OLD. I DON'T like this and it is hard to swallow. I still FEEL YOUNG but my body is telling me different.
Last night we went to a birthday party for Steph and we played volleyball and my body is hurting again......UGGGGH!!!! Please someone tell me I am NOT getting old!!! HA HAAA!!! For those of you who know me I like people to speak the truth so don't tell me that I will accept the hard cold facts and at some point decide to act my age. Just not sure when that will be????
Love you guys!!!
Posted by DuPeire Family at 10:53 AM 0 comments